I believe that many of these honey bees
products listed here are probably what you
have already encountered on the shelves
at one point or another during your
shopping trips, but you may never really
know what they are and what benefits they
offer, or perhaps you may have never really
stopped to take a second look at them.
These seven very common products from
the honey bees and their amazing benefits
will make you realise (as they have done
to me) how indebted we humans are to
these tireless creatures and the extent
which their products are underused,
understated, and sometimes even
1. Bee Pollen
Bee pollen is not the same as allergy-
causing pollen that is carried by the wind.
It rarely causes allergy symptoms. It is
actually the male seed of a flower blossom
which are collected by the honey bees and
mixed with the bees' digestive enzymes.
Bee pollen is low in calories but rich in
proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals,
enzymes, beneficial fatty acids,
carbohydrates, and bioflavonoids which are
anti-viral, antibacterial and helpful in
lowering cholesterol, stabilising and
strengthening capillaries. Its ability to
rejuvenate the body, stimulates organs,
enhances vitality and accelerate rate of
recovery makes it a popular tonic among
athletes and sportsmen. Click here to read
more on the benefits of bee pollen.
2. Bee Wax
Bee wax or beeswax is a natural secretion
from wax glands on the sides of the body
of honey bees and is used primarily as a
building block for the bees' honeycomb
cells in which the young are raised and
honey and pollen are stored. To stimulate
the production of beeswax, the honey bees
feed themselves with honey and huddle
together to raise the temperature of the

The uses of beeswax are found in
numerous products, including skin care
products, candles, furniture polish, batik-
making,etc. Follow this link to read about
the usefulness of Bee Wax.
3. Royal Jelly
Royal jelly is the queen bee's extraordinary
source of food. It is a blend of secretions
from the salivary glands of the worker bee
and contains a high concentration of
vitamins B5, B6, and amino acids and is
believed to be a potent antioxidant a
special rejuvenating substance that
promotes tissue growth, muscle and cell
regeneration. Discover the wonders of
Royal Jelly.
4. Propolis
Honey bees collect sticky resins that ooze
from the buds of some trees and conifers.
After chewing them and mixing them with
their saliva and other substances, Propolis
or sometimes called "sticky glue" is
formed. Propolis is of vital importance for
the survival of the honey bees in the
beehive. Not only does it protect them
against diseases, it also helps fight against
climatic changes, such as wind and cold.
Because of its antibacterial, antifungal,
antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
effects, Propolis has been shown to have
outstanding value for a wide variety of
illnesses. It is also used as ointments for
healing cuts and wounds. For a more
detailed account on propolis and its use,
read this article: Health Benefits of
5. Organic Honey
When I first saw organic honey on the
shelves and its big price tag during my
grocery shopping, I always wondered what
it was and how different it was from the
rest of honey varieties. It was only later
that I found out that for honey to be
certified organic, the manufacturer has to
meet a set of very stringent organic
standards and conditions during the honey
production (set by a organic agriculture
certification body), which include source of
the nectar, honey bees foraging area, bees
management, honey extracting process,
transportation, processing temperature,
and packaging materials. Click here to read
more on Organic Honey.
6. Mead
Mead, simply put is honey wine. It is the
first alcoholic drink brewed by men, earlier
than wine or beer. Today mead has
evolved and expanded its flavours to
include fruits such as blueberry and cherry,
malt as well as various herbs and spices.


ujoh said…


If you want to go into beekeeping farm business, There are so many company website this days like http://www.virtatrade.com that will enable you as a beginner to raise the fund you need to start up your beekeeping farm business without you seeking for a loan.

This company is where many business dealers from all over the world generate fund that backup their various businesses financially.

I used this company to backup my cocoa beans export business each time my business is running down.

You can visit and register with the company website here http://www.virtatrade.com to raise the fund you need now to go into your beekeeping farm business.

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