• Shortcut Description

Ctrl+A Select all contents of a worksheet.
Ctrl+B Bold all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+C Copy all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+D Fill down. Fills the cell beneath with the
contents of the selected cell. To fill more than
one cell, select the source cell and press Ctrl
+Shift+Down to select multiple cells. Then press
Ctrl+D to fill them with the contents of the
original cell.
Ctrl+F Search current sheet.
Ctrl+G Go to a certain area.
Ctrl+H Find and replace.
Ctrl+I Puts italics on all cells in the highlighted
Ctrl+K Inserts a
Ctrl+N Creates a new workbook.
Ctrl+O Opens a workbook.
Ctrl+P Print the current sheet.
Ctrl+R Fill right. Fills the cell to the right with
the contents of the selected cell. To fill more
than one cell, select the source cell and press
Ctrl+Shift+Right to select multiple cells. Then
press Ctrl+R to fill them with the contents of the
original cell.
Ctrl+S Saves the open worksheet.
Ctrl+U Underlines all cells in the highlighted
Ctrl+V Pastes everything copied onto the
clipboard .
Ctrl+W Closes the current workbook.
Ctrl+X Cuts all cells within the highlighted
Ctrl+Y Repeats the last entry.
Ctrl+Z Undo the last action.
Ctrl+1 Changes the format of the selected cells.
Ctrl+2 Bolds all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+3 Puts italics all cells in the highlighted
Ctrl+4 Underlines all cells in highlighted section.
Ctrl+5 Puts a
strikethrough all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+6 Shows or hides objects.
Ctrl+7 Shows or hides the toolbar .
Ctrl+8 Toggles the outline symbols.
Ctrl+9 Hides rows.
Ctrl+0 Hides columns.
Ctrl+Shift+: Enters the current time.
Ctrl+; Enters the current date.
Ctrl+` Changes between displaying cell values or
formulas in the worksheet.
Ctrl+' Copies a formula from the cell above.
Ctrl+Shift+" Copies value from cell above.
Ctrl+- Deletes the selected column or row.
Ctrl+Shift+= Inserts a new column or row.
Ctrl+Shift+~ Switches between showing Excel
formulas or their values in cells.
Ctrl+Shift+@ Applies time formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+! Applies comma formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+$ Applies currency formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+# Applies date formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+% Applies percentage formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+^ Applies exponential formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+* Selects the current region around
the active cell.
Ctrl+Shift+& Places border around selected cells.
Ctrl+Shift+_ Removes a border.
Ctrl++ Insert.
Ctrl+- Delete.
Ctrl+Shift+( Unhide rows.
Ctrl+Shift+) Unhide columns.
Ctrl+/ Selects the array containing the active
Ctrl+\ Selects the cells that have a static value
or don’t match the formula in the active cell.
Ctrl+[ Selects all cells referenced by formulas in
the highlighted section.
Ctrl+] Selects cells that contain formulas that
reference the active cell.
Ctrl+Shift+{ Selects all cells directly or indirectly
referenced by formulas in the highlighted
Ctrl+Shift+} Selects cells which contain formulas
that directly or indirectly reference the active
Ctrl+Shift+| ( pipe ) Selects the cells within a
column that don’t match the formula or static
value in the active cell.
Ctrl+Enter Fills the selected cells with the
current entry.
Ctrl+Spacebar Selects the entire column.
Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar Selects the entire
Ctrl+Home Move to cell A1.
Ctrl+End Move to last cell on worksheet.
Ctrl+Tab Move between Two or more open Excel
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Activates the previous workbook.
Ctrl+Shift+A Inserts argument names into a
Ctrl+Shift+F Opens the
drop-down menu for fonts.
Ctrl+Shift+O Selects all of the cells that contain
Ctrl+Shift+P Opens the drop-down menu for point
Shift+Insert Pastes what is stored on the
Shift+Page Up In a single column, highlights all
cells above that are selected.
Shift+Page Down In a single column, highlights
all cells above that are selected.
Shift+Home Highlights all text to the left of the

  • cursor .
  • Shift+End Highlights all text t


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