CUCUMBER PRODUCTION **INTRODUCTION* Cucumber is a long vegetable with a dark green skin and light green flesh that is usually eaten raw. It is enjoyed by many and is one of the main constituents of fruit salad. **LAND PREPARATION* It thrives well in rich loamy or clayey soil. It does not require too much water for its growth. The land is cleared and ploughed if necessary. Mounds or ridges are made ready for the planting. **PLANTING* Improved seedlings are used for maximum output. These seeds are incorporated 2 per hole at a regular spacing of about 1ft - 2Ft on the mounds or ridges. This is best done around April/May. **FERTILIZER APPLICATION* This is best done after 2 - 3 weeks using N.P.K 15:15:15. Small holes are made at a distance of about 4 to 5 inches away from the young cucumber plant and the fertilizers are incorporated inside about match box full size. The spacing is to avoid causing harm to the young plant. **WEEDING* Weeding is done at regular inte...