I dont believe in "internet farming, but I feel the need to encourage other Nigerian youths out there who want to venture into agribusiness. It has not been easy so far to farm in Nigeria. The challenges have been enormous but *in Lil Wayne's voice* "we doing aite". I'll just get straight to the point. This is a true farming experience of a Vegetable farmer, he says; "am a vegetable farmer. And farm majorly cucumber. I am pro-organic farming (it's very expensive in Nigeria). I employ technologies from around the world (especially thailand) that suit our climate and culture. I've been into this for quite a while now. Decided to upload pictures of how I plant and the agronomy I employ in my cucumber farming. To get more ideas from the pros here and tovexcite the intending farmers. First of all, this is 1 hectare of land, by the special grace of God, this land produced a gross profit of 1million in 2 months. This is when the land was in preparat...